The Art of Setting Achievable Goals

Become a Professional Goal-setter

It’s common knowledge that it’s easier to achieve what you want if you set goals to get you there. For example, if your goal is to find apartments in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, you’ll get there a lot faster if you call the leasing office or fill out an application. If you already have your dream apartment like the ones at Muirwood Village, then maybe it’s time to set goals for some other things. A new year is around the corner, so check out some tips to make you a goal-setting guru in 2024! 

#1: Pick a Clear “What”

A goal isn’t a goal if you don’t know what you’re trying to achieve. You also have to make sure your goal isn’t an aspiration or a vague thought. For example, you can’t say your goal is “to be a better person” because that’s incredibly subjective and difficult to evaluate. You want to choose something that you can concretely say you have done like volunteer once a month at a local nonprofit. 

#2: Always Have a “Why”

You will only care about your goal if you have a reason to achieve it. The best goals come from the heart and are connected to something or someone that has meaning. If you’re not sure if you have a good reason, ask yourself if you can fill in these blanks easily: I want to (goal) because (reason). The stronger that reason is, the more likely you are to stay motivated while you work to achieve your goal. 

#3: Make SMART Goals

You have likely encountered this acronym before, and there’s a reason. It’s an excellent way to keep your goals achievable. SMART stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. A specific goal relates to your “what.” A vague goal will get vague results. Measurable means you can set clear steps to make your way towards your goal. Think of it this way. If it’s measurable, you can check it off the list when it’s done. Attainable means your goal can be reached in a reasonable amount of time. It’s attainable to set aside a portion of your paycheck each month to build your savings. Realistic means you need to be kind to yourself. It’s not realistic or healthy to lose 10 pounds in a week but roughly a pound a week is. Time-bound means you can’t give yourself forever to reach your goal. It has to have an end date or you’ll find yourself making excuses about why you haven’t gotten there yet.

#4: Plan for Setbacks

There’s a tendency when creating goals to think you can get something accomplished with no problem. But that’s not realistic. Setbacks will happen, mistakes will be made, and the unexpected will interrupt your best intentions. Instead of feeling down or like you’ve failed, plan for things to take a bit longer than you initially thought. If your goal is being measured in days, add 3 to 5. If your goal is being measured in months, give yourself at least one extra month. This will help you avoid getting down on yourself when you inevitably get off track. 

#5: Action Is a Must

This is one of the most pivotal points on this list. You’ll never reach a goal without taking action. Make sure that your goal has an achievable first step that can get you off to a solid start. You will also want to pick a good time to start your goal-setting process. Many people choose a new year because it’s easy to start at the beginning of the year and assess at the end of the year. You can also go by season, quarter, or semester, especially if those time increments are used at your job. That will make it easier to remember to check on your goals and how they’re going. 

#6: Use 5 R’s 

After you’ve spent some time working on your goals, it’s a good idea to check in on your process and see how it’s going. Try using these 5 R’s to guide you. 

Reflect: How are you doing with your goal? Are you on track, behind, or ahead? What’s working well? What’s a struggle?

Re-evaluate: Is your goal still the right one? Are you staying passionate about your goal? Are you holding yourself accountable for reaching milestones on the way to your goal? 

Refresh: Refresh your goal so it reflects your reimagined goals. If your goal is still the right one, then renew your commitment to achieving it. 

Record: You’re more likely to achieve your goal if you write it down somewhere. A journal, a vision board, a whiteboard, or a note to yourself on the fridge are all valid ways to keep your goal top of mind. You can also consider some method of accountability like a checklist or timeline. 

Reward: Remember to reward your hard work. Give yourself credit for all the things you have done towards reaching your goal by taking a break, relaxing, and resetting your mindset. 

If you need a positive environment perfect for setting goals, come home to Muirwood Village, Reynoldsburg, Ohio apartments for rent. We offer excellent amenities that can help you keep your goals on track. If you have a health-related goal, you can take a refreshing walk in our maturely landscaped community. If you tend to let the laundry pile up, you can select a unit with a convenient full-size washer and dryer. You can also reward yourself with a relaxing cup of coffee on your private patio or enjoy getting to know other residents at planned social events. Ready to learn more? Call 614-868-8300

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